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About Office of Industry-Academia Collaboration


In order to make Taiwan’s Industries more competitive under the strong competition of globalization, we have to transform knowledge into competitiveness and promote industrial reengineering and innovation. Our vision is to build Taiwan Tech into an international applied research university producing high-tech and management personnel with the ability to compete on a global level, thus supporting the future growth of our nation and society.


Business Model

The Office of Industry-Academia Collaboration (IAC) is in overall charge of industry-academia-government cooperation, innovation and promotion. Through a single service window, we provide and integrate inter-disciplinary resources to accelerate, expand and promote the development of international connections. With a global perspective, innovation and entrepreneurship as the ultimate goal, we will maximize the synergy between industry and academia.



The IAC consists of the main office, Enterprise Service Center (ESC), Business Incubation Center (BIC)Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Center (IPTTC) and Taiwan Tech GLORIA.